Do You have enough Chlorophyll?
Imagine a tree... The roots provide water and essential nutrients from the earth. The trunk and branches provide the transportation network. Eventually, the terminal point of this network are the leaves. The leaves are in a way, the starting point of this entire process which sustains the tree. The leaves take light from the sun and CO2 from the atmosphere and does magic within itself to provide the sustaining energy (food) for the whole tree. To do this magic, it needs to have a certain essential element, known as Chlorophyll. Without the chlorophyll, all the CO2 and all the sunlight in the world cannot be of any use to it. Even the minerals and water provided by the roots will go to waste. What a shame it is, if the leaf lacks chlorophyll. All the assistance from all directions will be of no use if it lacks this essential green matter. Now imagine You and I as humans... We have access to Dharmic knowledge and the Technological knowledge from our ‘roots’ and ‘branches’....