My Tolerant and Accommodating Mother Kenya
Recently I was at an event where both the Kenyan and Indian national anthems were played to mark the commencement of the event. The Kenyananthem was played first and I couldn’t help to notice that only a handful was singing it, much too meekly and unsure of the words, out of the over-hundred in attendance. The rest stood awkwardly as they awaited the end of the anthem. Then, the ever so familiar music of the Indian national anthem started playing and everyone was more alert than before standing upright to sing the wonderful words of the Indian anthem. The hall was resonating with each and every word being sung by almost every person in attendance. This observation offered me two thoughts immediately and simultaneously. Firstly, I was feeling a great sense of pride and joy to learn that the Indian nationals (or once Indian nationals) were upholding the loyalty and fervor towards their Matrubhoomi (motherland). It is quite natural that one will quickly identify himself or herself wi...
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