Laxman : The Definition of Sangh

Chose the Path of Dharma himself: Raam and Sita decided to go into exile in the forest to fulfil the wish of Kaikeyi. Laxman thought about it and made a choice. He decided to leave the luxury of the palace to accompany Raam and Sita in the exile. He sacrificed the comfort of being near his family. He knew that it would be a life of hardship in the forest. He chose to be part of the mission of killing Raavan and re-establishing Dharma.

A sangh karyakarta also does the same thing. He understands the scenario and weighs out the options, but still chooses to walk the difficult path of serving the society which is the work of God. He stays away from the comfort and luxuries of the world to do the difficult, but right thing. The work of Sangh is similar to that of Shri Raam – to re-establish peace and harmony in the world.

The Laxman Rekha: Raam went in pursuit of a golden deer for Sita. Laxman stayed back to protect Sita. But later, he had to follow Raam to assist him. When he left Sita alone, he drew a Laxman Rekha around the hut and asked Sita not to cross it so she can be safe. As the story unfolds, we know that despite, Laxman’s guidelines, she still crossed the boundary and was thereafter kidnapped by the mighty and cruel Raavan. And the rest of the time in exile was spent in getting back Sita to safety.

Sangh is always looking out for the welfare of the Samaaj by providing guidelines. Basically, the various guidelines provided in our Vedas and Upanishads etc. But we know that Samaaj will not always follow the guidelines of Dharma, knowingly or unknowingly. By not following the Dharma, Samaaj will often undergo harm. The work of Sangh is to bring the Samaaj back to safety, while still having utmost respect for the Samaaj.

Away from Family: Laxman had to leave his family behind to do the work of God. It indeed requires courage and lots of conviction to leave a newly married wife for 14 years.

In sangh, we have pracharaks who don’t marry and dedicate their entire life to do Sangh work. But often, due to practicality, everyone cannot be a Pracharak. We have Grihasti Karyakartas all over the world, who make sacrifices of various degrees to dedicate more time and energy to Sangh work.

Supportive Wife: When Laxman makes the decision to join Raam and Sita to the exile of 14years, Urmila (Laxman’s wife) was very sad. But after Laxman explains to her, the importance and the necessity of his decision, she gathered herself and played a supportive role. It is not easy to live alone for 14years at one’s in-laws. She lit a diya on the day Laxman left and made sure that it never went out for the entire duration of 14years, until Laxman actually returned back home safely. The symbolism of the diya was a prayer to Paramatma to provide protection for Laxman while in the forest.

Similarly, in Sangh when the whole family understands the vision and mission of Sangh, they become supportive to the Karyakarta. This is called a Sanghmay Family. In fact, like Urmila the wife will pray for the long life and wellbeing of the husband (or vice versa) so that he/she can continue doing the work of God till his/her last breath.

Injured in Battle: While fighting Meghnaad in the great war, Laxman got injured. The whole army was in sorrow that day and various arrangements were made to revive Laxman so he can continue fighting in the war. His presence in the war was critical to achieve victory. Hanuman was sent to source the Sanjeevani from far away. After Laxman became conscious again, everyone rejoiced and were relieved because they were better placed in fighting the war with Laxman alive.

During the emergency declared on Sangh in 1947, there was great sorrow and concern in the society. The survival of Sangh was key to the welfare of the Samaaj. Sangh is a key entity in the ‘army’ that is ‘fighting’ to achieve World Peace and Harmony. In this grand project, there may be ups and downs for Sangh. But a solution will emerge for the continuity of Sangh work. Just like the current challenge of Corona being faced by Sangh, but indeed the whole world too. But Sangh is still functioning and will come out stronger on the other side of this pandemic, by way of Online Shakhas, Sampark on phone, individual level Baudhik and Shareerik knowledge enhancing.

No recognition in the end: Due to some circumstances, Laxman was to be sentenced to death or to be banished from Ayodhya. Laxman, in fact saved the whole Ayodhya from Durvasa’s anger and put his own life at risk and accepted the banishment from the palace. He then left the palace without any glorification, took Samaadhi in river Sarayu and was forgotten. Contrary to Laxman’s situation, Raam and the others went to heaven after their time was over on earth.

The work of Sangh is similar to the life of Laxman. It does everything possible in its capacity to protect the Samaaj till its last breath. But despite all these efforts, it gets no recognition, no fame, no glory. But Sangh happily accepts this, as long as the Samaaj is safe, there is no need for looking for name and fame.

Evil distractions: Raavan sent his demon sister, Shoorpankha to try and lure Raam and Laxman. Raam politely declined the friendship of Shoorpankha. Then she turned to Laxman and tried very hard to win his companionship. Laxman took out his knife and cut the nose of the evil Shoopankha to teach her a lesson.

While walking the path of Dharma in doing Sangh work, many distractions come our way. Greed, anger, delusive friendships, luxury, comfort. We must find the Laxman in us and realise that these distractions are temporary and we must steer clear and continue on the Path of Dharma and continue doing Sangh work.

In this article there are mentions of a Sangh Karyakarta being a male. However, this is to maintain flow of the article. It is a neutral article referring to both Sevikas and Swayamsevaks.



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