Mother Kenya is our Yashoda

It is that time of the year again when we celebrate the birth of Shri Krishna. It is interesting to note that he had two mothers. We, the Hindus living in Kenya have two mothers also like Bhagwan Shri Krishna. How you ask? 

Most of us were born in Bharat and then we migrated to Kenya through various channels like business, jobs, education, relationships and several others. If not ourselves, our grandparents (or their parents) were born in the great land of Bharat. In short we are rooted to Bharat in terms of ancestry. It is the land from which we derive our values, culture, inspiration and even culinary and linguistic inclinations. 

That said, it is prudent to underline the fact that we have spent most (if not all) of our lives in Kenya. It is in this country that we are learning the various lessons of life. It is in this country that we are making a living and raising our families. It is this country which has given us a new meaning in life while still holding on to the priceless lessons and values that we learnt from our ancestral land of Bharat. In short, Kenya is our nurturing mother, while Bharat is the mother who gave birth to us. 

It is a catch 22 for us just like it might have been for Krishna. His birth giving mother was Devaki who never got to spend time with him as he grew but with a heavy heart she let him go. And his nurturing mother Yashoda who loved him and cared for him to make him who he is today. The Krishna we worship and look up to is all because of his foster mother, Yashoda. Krishna has to keep a fine balance between the two mothers. He has to maintain the pride and the honor of his birth mother, Devaki... and at the same time he has to ensure that he takes care of his foster mother, Yashoda who nurtured him. 

We can not forget our Sanskriti (culture) and Sanskaars (values) which we got from our birth mother, Bharat. And neither can we neglect our duties towards our nurturing mother, Kenya which has given us Aarthic Vikaas (economic growth) and Mamataa (motherly love). 

Krishna is often identified with his mother’s name as, Devaki Nandan but it is interesting to note that all his pictures and glorious stories are always with his nurturing mother, Yashoda. 

This Janmashtami, let’s celebrate the Krishna within us and do the right thing of finding that fine balance between our two mothers. While not forgetting where we have come from, let us give back and complete the duty of a son towards our Yashoda - Mother Kenya.

Happy Janmashtami.

- Deepak Shir


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